================= Python (``h5py``) ================= ``h5s3`` may be used from Python with ``h5py``. By using ``h5py``, you are able to pass S3 backed files to existing code programmed against the ``h5py`` interface. Currently this requires installing h5py from github because the `driver registration feature `_ has not been put in a release yet. Example ======= .. code-block:: python import h5s3 import h5py # register our driver with h5py h5s3.register() f = h5py.File( 's3://bucket/name.h5s3', 'r+' driver='h5s3', aws_access_key='', aws_secret_key='', ) print(f) # # now use f like any other hdf5 file! API === .. autofunction:: h5s3.register .. autofunction:: h5s3.unregiser .. autofunction:: h5s3.set_fapl