

This is a developer level document. It is not necessary to understand this document in order to use h5s3.

The h5s3 code base is split into three logical layers:

  1. h5s3::driver::kv_driver: An abstract driver which accepts an arbitrary key-value store.
  2. kv_store: Different implementations of key-value stores which actually read and write data.
  3. h5s3::page::table: An object which translate contiguous memory reads and writes in paged access to a key-value store.


The h5s3::driver::kv_driver implements the hdf5 driver protocol. This object is responsible for handling the C++ exception -> hdf5 exception conversions and translating raw C values into richer C++ values.

This layer can be thought of as h5s3’s membrane to hdf5.


The kv-store interface defines the low-level operations for interacting with fixed-width regions of memory. A kv-store is semantically a map from h5s3::page::id to a page of data. The kv-store needs to be able to read or write an entire page at a time. The kv-store does not need to perform IO in batches larger or smaller than one page.

The primary kv-store in h5s3 is h5s3::s3_driver::s3_kv_store which implements the kv-store interface to talk to Amazon S3.

page table

The h5s3::page::table maps a virtual contiguous memory space into fixed width regions called “pages”. This object is responsible for translating the posix-like API calls that hdf5 makes into a sequence of reads and writes in a kv-store.

The h5s3::page::table structure also implements caching to reduce the number of trips to the underlying kv-store.